CHM221-223: Orgo I
Homework 1
Covers lectures 1-3. Bond-line structures, isomers, acids and bases, resonance, formal charge. MO theory.
Homework 2
Covers lecture 4, 5. Functional groups, IUPAC nomenclature, alkane boing points/heats of combustion, hydrocarbons, hybridization.
Homework 3
Covers lectures 5-7. Cycloalkanes, conformations, hyperconjugation, Newman and Sawhorse projections, isomers.
Homework 4
Covers lectures 8 and 9. Chirality, enantiomers, diastereomers, optical rotation, Fischer projections.
Homework 5
Covers lectures 10 & 11. Mass spectrometry and infrared spectroscopy. Isotopic clusters. Fragmentation. Structural elucidation.
Homework 6
Covers lectures 11,12,13. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Coupling constants. Splitting trees. Structure elucidation. Structural effects on chemical shift.
Homework 7
Covers lecture 14-18. Substitution reactions and radical halogenation.
Homework 8
Covers lectures 18-21. Elimination reactions. Addition reactions to alkenes.
Homework 9
Reactions of dienes; Diels-Alder; Electrophilic aromatic substitution.
Practice Worksheets
Practice Worksheet 1
Interconverting Condensed and Structural Formulas.
Practice Worksheet 2
Drawing Resonance Structures. Using curved arrow notation.
Practice Worksheet 3
Resonance Structures and Conjugate Acids and Bases.
Practice Worksheet 4
Conformations and configurations of cyclohexane, equatorial and axial positions, ring-flipping.
Practice Worksheet 5
Predict products of subsitution reactions.
Practice Worksheet 6
Predict products of subsitution reactions. Solvolysis. SN1 and SN2. Sulfonates.
Synthesis Problem Set 1
Synthetic problems that utilize addition reactions to alkenes, elimination, substitution, alkylation of alkynes and addition reactions to alkynes.
Synthesis Problem Set 2
Synthetic problems that utilize formation and reactions of conjugated systems including allylic/benzylic halogenation, Diels-Alder, addition to dienes and aromatic substitution.
Drawing Lewis Strutures
A step-by-step guide for drawing Lewis structures of covalent and ionic species (e.g., polyatomic ions)
Experiment 1: Calibration
This is a revised version of the experiment found in the lab manual. Students should print this and bring to the first class.
Fractional Distillation Graph - Excel
An Excel spreadsheet that allows you to enter your fractional distillation data and plots the resulting V vs. T graph.
Fractional Distillation Graph - PDF
A PDF that allows you to enter your fractional distillation data and plot the resulting V vs. T graph on the graph paper provided.
Isomer Tree
A chart of the different classes of stereoisomers commonly encountered in organic chemistry.
Syllabus (CHM 223) – Updated: 08/16/19
Syllabus and course information for Orgo I (CHM 223), Fall 2019. Includes course info, learning objectives, outline of topics, policies, schedule.
Welcome to Organic Chemistry I (CHM 223)
The course is introduced and a quick start guide is provided.
- CHM222-224: Orgo II
Drawing Lewis Strutures
A step-by-step guide for drawing Lewis structures of covalent and ionic species (e.g., polyatomic ions)
Final Exam Review: Orgo I Reactions
Review worksheet. Covers most of the reactions covered in orgo I.
Final Exam Review: Orgo II Reactions
Review worksheet. Covers most of the reactions covered in orgo II.
Exp 31: Grignard Synthesis (Modified)
Revised experimental procedure for Grignard synthesis. One day experiment. Begins with phenyl magnesium bromide reagent.
Isomer Tree
A chart of the different classes of stereoisomers commonly encountered in organic chemistry.
Syllabus (CHM 224) – Updated: 01/12/2020
Syllabus and course information for Orgo II (CHM 222), Spring 2020. Includes information on required resources, schedules, policies, i>clickers, laboratory.
Synthesis Problem Set 1
Synthetic problems that feature alcohols (Ch. 17), ethers, including epoxides (Ch. 18) and addition to ketones and aldehydes (Ch. 19). Used for Skillbuilder 1.
Synthesis Problem Set 2
Preparation and reactions of carboxylic acid derivatives (Ch. 21), reactions at carbonyl alpha carbons (Ch. 22) and enol/enolate condensation reactions (Ch. 23). Used for Skillbuilder 2.
Welcome to Organic Chemistry II (CHM 222)
The course content and coverage is introduced. A to-do list is provided that should be completed before the first class.
- Instrument Guides
Perkin Elmer FTIR
Short operation guide for the Perkin Elmer FT-IR Spectrum 100 and software in 341 Lee DP. Includes instructions for operating the ATR accessory.
Nicolet iS5 FTIR with ATR
Short operation guide for the Nicolet iS5 infrared spectrometer and software in A242 RHC. Includes instructions for operating the ATR accessory.
Manual Polarimeter
Instructions for operating manual Laurent polarimeters in chemistry labs. Includes explanation of Malus's law and a half-shade device.
Vernier Barometer
Instructions for Vernier barometer sensor and connect to lab quest.
Vernier Melt Stations
Quick guide for 341 Lee DP Vernier melt stations connected to a lab quest.
Vernier Polarimeter
Instructions for Vernier polarimeter sensor and Logger Pro software. Includes instructions for curve fitting and extraction of Malus law variables.